Frequently asked questions
Taekwon-do Benefits
In addition to teaching self-defence skills, Taekwon-do can offer both physical and mental health benefits to those who practice it. Supporters say it: Improves flexibility, balance, posture, strength, and stamina. Increases self-esteem, focus, confidence, and self-discipline.
Q: I’ve done other martial arts before, could i attend your classes.
A: Yes, If you followed Chang-Hon patterns, {Chon Ji, Dan Gun etc } you can resume at your current belt and grade again when ready. If you trained in WTF TKD or a different martial art we can also help. Please get in touch and find out how.
Q: Can i join in with my children?
A: Yes, we have over 40 family members training together and offer family discounts on fees.
Q: I’m not very fit, is that an issue?
A: No, that's all the more reason to join. We build beginners fitness up gradually. You'll be surprised how much fitter you will get in a short space of time.
Q: Am I too old?
A: There is no upper age limit for TaeKwon Do, We have students from 6 - 68 years old.
Q: I'm too shy to join?
A: Taekwon-do builds confidence, you will find us very friendly and soon make friends.
Q: What will I need to wear?
A: For your first month you can wear anything that's light and comfortable . i.e. t-shirt, loose bottoms etc, no footwear is required.
Q: How long does it take to become a black belt?
A: It will take just under 4 years if training twice or more a week.
There are no double gradings or any quick ways. Training less it will obviously take longer.
All gradings are taken by an external examiner ensuring the quality of the tuition given.
Q: How do i pay?
A: Monthly fees are by Direct debit, Standing order or BACS within the first 7 days of the month.
Q: How much does it cost?
A: A full price list is shown on this web site under timetable/fees and in our 20 page info guide available on request.